
Solid Plank Mahogany Electric Boats

The elegance of our past meets the technology of our future.  Edison, a plug-in electric barrelback runabout featuring twin 9" DC motors, delivering quiet, clean cruising. Fashioned after barrelback's of the early 1940s, Edison is constructed using traditional solid mahogany, plank over batten methods with silicon bronze fasteners, the latest epoxies and marine finishes. The result is a stunning combination of clean running electric technology and classic wood boat design offering zero emission operation. Limited production available at steven.edisonmarine@gmail.com

What they are saying......

Or, per the wisdom of Open AI,  ChatGPT says...

Electric boats have several benefits over traditional gas-powered boats, including:

... the simple truth!


speed: 35-40mph

operating time: 1-8 hrs depending on speed / configuration

price:  $250K - $350K